ONLINE DEALS #worldwidewednesday


Hey Yall!

Since it is Wednesday I would like to share with you some #deals I found online.

Babies R’ Us

20% off one regular priced item with promo code SALES20

offer valid March 16- March 22

(there are a bunch of hidden details you can read here: DETAILS)

This coupon can be printed and used in the store!


Domino’s Pizza

50% off any pizza ONLINE ORDERS ONLY

valid March 17 – March 23rd

I actually ordered pizza on the 17th it works and it was well worth it!


Eating Animals vs. Smoking Cigarettes


Sorry for not posting yesterday. I was OOTO (out of the office). But hopefully today’s post makes up for things.

Eating Animals vs. Smoking Cigarettes

Which is worse for you? Which is harder to quit?

The other day my boyfriend and I were discussing our son and his current diet. At 4 months he eats rice cereal (which I initially opposed) and vegetables; and of course he drinks water and breastmilk.

Soon enough it will be time to introduce MEAT!

Now for me that was no big deal, however Dad is a vegetarian, who has been trying to get me off of meat ever since we met. But I am a carnivore who LOVES A HEARTY STEAK.

I introduced a wager. Starting the month of March he will stop smoking and I will eat NO MEAT (however I will still have seafood). If either of us is caught sneaking, then all bets are off!

Luckily for me I have been trying to cut back my calorie intake and this bet will push me to monitor my eating (and hopefully lose a couple pounds too). As far as Dad is concerned I REALLY want him to kick that stinky habit and since lung cancer doesn’t scare him; maybe the thought of his son ingesting meat will be enough for him to put down the cigarettes.

Lets see who has more will power. (I think it is me). I am excited to learn and post meat-less and filling recipes, so that is something to look forward to, i guess!

My next Post will be a review of Dinosaur BBQ, so be sure to come back tomorrow.

Ms. Get Right

I Have Become an Opportunity ALCOHOLIC!

Hello my name is Ms. Get Right and I am an opportunity alcoholic…


I KNOW that alcoholism is NOTHING to joke about, so please do not take this offensively. BUT nursing has turned me into a drinking optimist.

Now that my little man is eating vegetables twice a day and drinking water, less time is spent living on the breast. Not to mention he is sleeping longer hours and through out the night. And as a mom who breast feeds exclusively (no formula) this means “PASS THE COUVOISIER”.

I know to drink responsibly, and I am still timing my consumption down to the minute; but oh god it feels so good to go out and have a drink or 2 or 3. When the opportunity presents itself I am ALL OVER IT!

Oddly enough I wasn’t a BIG drinker when I was in college but then again I am ONLY 22! As soon as I was of legal age to drink I was pregnant so it feels great to have a legal drink without having to worry about having my son becoming inebriated.

I will admit that going over a year with no sauce has ruined my tolerance level but that has made things a lot more fun for me. Especially when I can say, after a long day, I HAVE DESERVED THIS GLASS!



Oh the small wonders I have come to appreciate!

Ms. Get Right

The Woes of Having a Winter Baby

I Love My Son!

All Bundled Up!

All Bundled Up!


He was born the DAY AFTER my birthday (which is awesome); we are almost twinzies! However I was born in October, which means he was born in October, and at some point in history October became the winter in the tri-state.

What am I getting at?

He is now 4 months and his whole life it has been cold, rain, snow, ice. So here are the woes of having a winter baby (even though my handsome is a fall baby).


1. Are you sick? DONT TOUCH MY BABY!

Because it is winter I assume everybody is sick. After one cough, I am snatching my son from your arms. The winter weather with an infant has turned me into a major germ-a-phobe.


I am blessed to announce my son has not been to the hospital and throughout his 4month life he has only had ONE, brief eye infection (lasted about a week). No cold, no flu (no flu shot either), NO FEVER. BUT that is due to a lot of hard work on my part. I warm every room before I enter, wrap him like a mummy, and the breast milk helps build his immune system.

3. Cant Go Outside

I don’t know about the rest of the moms in the world, but I am not jumping up to go outside in 15 degree weather with a 4 month old, I don’t even want to be out in that cold. There are the instances when we must go out, but other than that we live vicariously through people we watch out of the window -_-.


4. Canceled Visits

So many times people contact me saying “we are coming to see the baby on Sunday”. Then there is a snow storm, or the temperature drops, or people just generally suck and NO VISIT! So getting up early to clean and look cute for company takes the place of what should have been a nap.

5. He Keeps Outgrowing Coats

In 4 months my son has had 4 coats. WHAT SIZE DO YOU WHERE? His father is 6’5”, so I was fully prepared for him to be tall, but what in the world. Why does the label say 3-6months if it is not going to fit him at 2 months? #bigbabyproblems


Peace Out!

This is my rant. Those are my woes.


❤ Ms. Get Right

11 of the Best Home Remedies: That will cure just about ANYTHING!


image by seegul courtesy of

Tis the season for coughing and sneezing.

 Pills and drowsy syrups are not your only options.

I HATE being sick, especially now that I have a newborn. Also as a breastfeeding mom I do not take certain medications because of the risk they pose on my baby. I have found that the best thing for me and the little one are remedies created in the home. Whether you are man, woman, or child; here are a few home remedies that have worked on me and will surely work for you.

(If you do not want to read the whole shabang feel free to scroll down to whatever is making you feel under the weather..BUT HEY YOU SHOULD PROBABLY READ THE WHOLE THING – Just in case!)

Flu, Cold, Pneumonia (and just about any virus or bacteria)

OnionONIONS! Okay, so there are many ways you can do this. Some people prefer to slice the two ends of an unpeeled onion and place it at their bedside in a shallow bowl of water, others like to place onion halves above the doorways in their home. Either way onions worked like magic when it came to a bug going around my house. You may find, that if left bedside, the onion will turn BLACK! (that means it worked).

Why this works?

Onions absorb bacteria.  This is why eating an onion that has been left out is very dangerous, because it may have absorbed many harmful germs. If you are ill, the onion will take the germs right out of your body…isn’t that cool!

GarlicGARLIC! Chewing fresh garlic cloves, or as I do, making some garlic water – should do the trick.


Garlic has properties very similar to an antibiotic, and it helps to jump start your immune system. Also good for high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Cough and Congestion 

Photo Courtesy of

STEAM! Not everyone has a humidifier, but as long as there is enough heat and water we can all have steam. If placing your face over a hot pot sounds a little too risky; simply go into your bathroom and let the hot water run with all windows and doors shut. The bathroom will steam up and a couple of minutes in there will definitely alleviate your cough and congestion.

Why does this help?

Cold, dry air makes you cough, the stem will moisten the air.

Soar Throat 

Photo Courtesy of

SALT WATER! This is a quick age-old remedy that has always helped my soar throat. Gargling warm water with a few spoons of salt, a few times a day, at the back of your throat – works wonders. Just remember spit. not swallow.

Why does it work?

The salt loosens the mucus and reduces swelling.

Photo courtesy of

FLUIDS! a good ol’ cup of water, watered down juice drink, or salty soup broth  is also helpful when your throat is scratchy.


Staying hydrated helps your body to fight away bad guys and keep mucus membranes moist. (try saying that 3x fast)

Glass Cup With TeaTEA! I love a good cup of tea; especially since I do not drink coffee (<- shocking I know.) When I am not feeling well it is no struggle to keep the kettle on and the water hot, such a soothing way to keep you healthy. Feel free to add honey or lemon. WARNING! Do not give honey to small children and babies.

Por Que?

Most teas have antioxidants. and it is so yummy!


SALT WATER…again! Swooshing warm salt water around a problem tooth has always worked for me.

I have heard that you can also try  (I have not done these things so I am not recommending them, just throwing it out there):

Alcohol(on the tooth, not swallowed) (the kind you drink, not rubbing)

Vanilla extract

A tea bag

An Aspirin (on the tooth, not swallowed) 

The Science?

Salt water will help with soreness and help remove food stuck between your teeth.

Tummy Troubles and Morning Sickness

Mint TeaPEPPERMINT TEA! Honestly, peppermint in general is great for stomach aches and I swore by it during my pregnancy to help with morning sickness. Although not listed above peppermint is also great for skin (applied topically), congestioncold, and flu. I am no scientist, but I would expect it works great for a lot more things as well.

How so?

Peppermint helps food to pass through quicker, and improves bile flow.

Watermelon SlicesWATERMELON! I love a juicy slice of watermelon, and lucky for me it is super healthy for you. This was another fav during my pregnancy for morning sickness, a way to stay refreshed and hydrated, and a killer craving.

Why watermelon?

Watermelon has like 100000 benefits. It has been known to help prevent cancer, cataracts, hangovers, and lots more. It has vitamin c, potassium, and it is 92% water.

No matter what the illness or ailment if you are not feeling too funky let your body REST. Take a day off for sleep and relaxation; you will be surprised how much better you will feel afterwards. Also WASH YOUR HANDS, because no one wants your germs and I am sure you do not want anyone else’s, so keep your hands clean, antibacterial is handy, but I believe in the classic soap and water.



I love you for reading.

FOLLOW ME!!! @_msgetright and check out my website

FACEBOOK!!! Ms. Get Right PR


The Benefit of Board Games : Life Lessons Today’s Youth Need To Learn


Yesterday my younger brother, cousin, and myself were going through their Christmas gifts trying to decide what we were going to play with. (Yes! I am a shameless BIG KID!).

Among the tablets, gadgets, and electronic gizmos; I saw an old relic – a Trouble board. Sweet salvation! I convinced the boys to let me teach them how to play.


For those of you who do not know, Trouble is a board game. The game can be played with 2-4 players. Each player is assigned a color which coincides with the color of four pegs. The goal is to get all four of your pieces from the start space, around the board, and safely into the home safety spot, without an opponent landing on your peg, which causes you to start your journey around the board all over. The ability to come out of the starting position is determined by “popping” a 6. There is a round “popper” located in the center of the board, with a die inside of it. The number on the die also determines how many spaces a player is allowed to move


Since the game is so simple, I thought these bright young boys would pick it up in no time. To my surprise, through the entirety of the game I found myself having to repeat instructions every time either of them had a turn. One tried to quit, one of them shed a tear or two. I realized while playing that board games taught kids things that you can never learn from temple run or candy crush. Such as:

1. Strategy

Whether it be Monopoly, Trouble, or Scrabble. A board game will force its players to strategically place their pieces. Sometimes you have to buy Mediterranean and Baltic avenue, because even though they are cheap everyone has to pass them (monopoly reference). As a life skill it is imperative to know how to be strategic, especially if you intend to go into business.

2. Delayed Gratification and Patience

Board games are LONG!  It is important to understand (in games and in life) that good things come to those who wait.

3. Perseverance

Sometimes you only have one piece on the board and someone sends you all the way back to start. Does this mean the game is over? No, it means you have to stick it out and start over; just another opportunity to finish strong. The best part of getting knocked down is proving you can stand back up.

4. No hard feelings.

There is no harm in playing the game the way it is meant to be played. If you keep letting one person get a pass then you are robbing them of their experience and not giving yourself the opportunity to claim what is rightfully yours.

and lastly,

5. Sometimes you LOSE!

Should you cry about it, sure if you want! But remember that there is ALWAYS a next time. Dry up the tears, be more strategic, wait for your turn, remember that one person’s success is not your failure, and persevere.

Happy Playing Everyone!

and as always thank you for reading.

@_msgetright ms.get right PR