5 Rules for Being Single

Have you ever found yourself Suddenly Single?

Leaving a relationship can sometimes feel like a time warp. Maybe you started dating your ex-husband at 35 and now that you are 53 the two of you are getting a divorce. Or even if you fell in love at 24 and a baby and some years later you find yourself single and 30. So much about yourself and your life has changed!

When you are not on the dating scene you will be surprised how different the rules are.

Here are a few tips to help you transition from Seriously Taken to Suddenly Single:

1. Announce your newly single status GRACEFULLY! Let the ones who matter most be the first to know, so that they are not finding out from a facebook status. Let them trickle the news down, as you know they will spill, even if they swore to secrecy. When YOU are ready; throw a cute pic of yourself up online with a clever caption like:”Getting back to just loving myself”.

2.If there is even a glimmer of hope for your relationship DO NOT BASH THAT PERSON ONLINE OR ANYWHERE ELSE! Sometimes you are upset about something but the two of you get over it with time and reconcile, you never know what the future holds. Imagine how stupid you will look if you have told the internet about that person having an STD (true or not). Just keep your mouth SHUT when it comes to vengeful slurs, no good will come of it.

3.Embrace your new found freedom.Get drunk, get a little crazy, reclaim your youth (or whatever years) that you spent in that relationship, no need to rush into a new one. Spend some time getting to know the new you and REFLECT so you do not make ANY of the same mistakes. But remember; Let Loose, but don’t BE LOOSE!

4.Fight the Urge to Contact. This is like the hardest part! Especially if you are used to talking to your ex-mate about everything, or if the two of you have children, OR if you have a great relationship with their family OR if you have 2947 mutual friends. But trust me it is important to clear your life.space of a person so that you can be confident in your decision to move on. Let the relationship GO if it is over.When people say “lets just be friends” they ARE NOT ready to be single and not ready to be w/o that person. So give yourself substantial time before considering a friendship w/an ex.

5.You can’t change the past, but you can have one hell of a future!Go find what you want. Do what you want. Try something new. Love louder, laugh louder, live louder. No need to tastelessly flaunt how many dates you are on or how quickly you found someone new, let your spirit show how much happier you are.

And I wish you good luck and much love.

Ms. Get Right

10 Reasons Moms Are Strange


After having my son, I realized there are a few things about myself that even I consider to be a tad odd.

So here is a list of some of the strange things, I’ve encountered being a…MOMMA! (in no particular order)

1. My Google Search History 

-Some of my recent searches include: normal color of poo, poop consistency, frequency of poop, pink rash, face      rash…invisible rash? and the list goes on.

2. When people say “Mom” and they are referring to me.

-I usually do not answer or look towards my mother.. still getting over the fact that I HAVE A SON..which makes me  a MOM! #newmomproblems

3. Setting up a rocker, so that I can use the bathroom or shower when I’m home alone 

4. The euphoria I feel when there is nothing/ no one on my lap

5. Having to start getting ready at 9am for a 12pm appointment 

6. The gallons of another person’s drool I consume, poop I wipe off, and pee I come in contact with a day 

7. That time I cried because my son was laughing at his toys

8. That time I woke up at 7am to assemble a stroller

9. The amount of people that have seen my nipple/breast #breastfeedingproblems

10. The amount of things I can accomplish with 1 hand

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As with all of my lists there are 10000 things I could add; but this is a blog, not a book! But if you have some strange, cute, funny things you have experienced…do share!

Ms. Get Right <–click the link


Top 5 #SuperBowlCommercials

Top 5 Super Bowl Commercials 2014

A recurring theme in this year’s super bowl ads: MIXING 2 UNCOMMON THINGS!

Here are my top 5 commercial picks!

(sorry about he links)

5. Turbo Tax: I found this commercial to be SO clever. As a Giants fan I know the feeling of not being able to watch your team, but to make that a great opportunity to do your taxes, HA!


4. Budweiser: Although I am STILL trying to figure out WHAT that dog and that horse have been doing. How cute to see the love between those two.


3. Cheerios: What a great way to say WE SEE YOUR RACIAL CONTROVERSY AND WE RAISE YOU A BABY! This part 2 to an already controversial, interracial commercial was a great way to say not only are we not going to apologize for our beliefs, we are going to continue to promote them GREAT JOB CHEERIOS.


2. Coca- Cola: The backlash for this commercial is already in full swing. But it is fine time to recognize that America is a country of immigrants.


1. AUDI: This was so funny/cute/weird! And to have Sarah Mclachlan, poster child for animal rights, just set it over the top for me.


Ms. Get Right is BACK! and Staying (Read About Some of the Changes Made)

MGR big


As always I will be bloggin’ about random but relevant topics.

I now have a PROFESSIONAL BLOG too, about PR stuff where I will post weekly:



9AM every SINGLE day you can log on and find something new to read =D


Every Monday is “Motivated Monday” 

motivated monday

The series will include motivational, uplifting, or inspiring; quotes, images, or article posts so that you can start your work week off the Get Right way.


Every Wednesday is “WWW.” (World Wide Wednesday)


I will be posting deals, videos, recipes, websites, music, or anything I find cool in the hidden corners of the world wide web and sharing it with YOU!

I hope you enjoy the changes and come back to read when you can.



Ms. Get Right